Tuesday 14 May 2013

Top Tips on how to get a Job in Sales

It is well known the current climate isn’t what it used to be, however there are certain sectors that continue to grow. In sales, recruiters are continually looking for talent, it isn’t as easy as it used to be to find the right sales role but for individuals with the right skills and qualifications who are serious about their career, there are plenty of opportunities out there.
If you’re looking for one of these opportunities there are a number of things you can do to get you that perfect sales role.

Look for a job the same way you sell – It is surprising how many successful salespeople struggle to sell themselves in the same way as they sell their product or service. By approaching the process in the same way as you approach your sales, you will be more likely to achieve your ideal job.
Know what you want – What do you want to get out of your new job. Know what you want to sell; do you want to windows or advertising? Maybe you don’t think it matters but in the long run it will, you are going to care a great deal about what you are selling. You need to find a job where you can really engage with both the product and the selling process.

Don’t just email your CV – Always follow up your application with a phone call, it shows you’re willing to get on the phone and knock down doors. Your CV could be 1 of 100, if you follow it up you can be sure it will increase your job chances no end.
Prepare for an interview like it’s a sales call – Show energy in posture and in your verbal responses, make sure you know their business, their market and product lines/services well. With the Internet there is no excuse not knowing their business. And finally, make sure they know your skills and what you bring to the party.

Follow up after the interview – After the interview do you go away? Do you wait to hear about how it went? Make sure you follow up the interview straight away, one of the best things you can do after an interview is send a thank you email. How you go about pursuing a sales job is an excellent indication to a potential employer as to how you might behave after they hire you as a sales rep.

Written by Liam Oakes

Liam is the Candidate Manager at Aaron Wallis and has been with the company for 2 years after having a career with the RAF; Liam has helped hundreds of Sales Professionals secure a new Sales role and ensures that Aaron Wallis runs smoothly.

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