Friday, 27 September 2013

Take Part in the 2013 Sales Survey


The world of sales is changing at a faster pace than at any other any time.  We're all LinkedIn to Twitter and utilising our time to achieve sales success in a way unimaginable to sales professionals of just a decade ago.  If we contrast our roles, motivators and core to only four years ago I think we’d all agree that the shift has been huge. 

It’s been four years since we held our last sales survey and it was conducted in the undoubtedly tough times of Summer and Spring 2009.  Now in a market with hints of optimism and a whole heap of new sales and marketing methodologies to add to our sales arsenal, we are launching the survey again to gauge how sales people are truly thinking.

We have partnered with the ISMM and several other sales organisations to invite over 50,000 sales professionals to take part in the 2013 Sales Survey.  Our aim is to get response from over 1000 sales people across all levels thus giving us a true and accurate snapshot of what it is really like to work in sales in 2013.   The research will feature in the autumn / winter edition of the ISMM's Winning Edge magazine and other media.
If you take part in the survey, we’ll send you the results, prior to them being launched to the media, so you can stay up-to-date with what’s happening, what’s winning, what’s important, what’s not, working hours, holidays, money – all sorts.

The confidential and secure survey is authoritative research, and previous survey information has been used by leading business schools such as the University of Portsmouth. It takes around ten to fifteen minutes to complete and of the sixty questions, just five are mandatory.  In past surveys most participants commented on how enjoyable, and thought provoking, they found completing the survey.  The questions are designed to be a mixture of work-related and life-related questions, and we hope that you enjoy completing it.

To thank all entrants we will enter you into a draw to win an ‘ultimate experience’ - a choice of over 100 experiences ranging from a 30 minute 'Tiger Moth' flight to an overnight golf break for two to a racing experience in a Lamborghini.  You will also receive a free ticket to the launch of the survey on October 17th at the Successful Selling Conference 2013, Ricoh Arena, Coventry.  This will be presented by Toby Perkins MP and will take place in Hall 4 adjacent to the main conference.

Access to all of the surveys from the last seven years can be accessed here:

Thanks for taking part,

Rob Scott

Aaron Wallis Sales Recruitment

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Friday, 23 August 2013

It's Tough to Pick the Winners

Getting recruitment right is tough.  We’ve all made ‘bad hires’ at some point in our careers be that the ‘dishonest hire’, the ‘under-performing hire', the ‘culturally wrong hire’ or the plain ‘ineffectual hire’. 
It’s never easy to ‘spot the winners’ but there are management tools out there to help increase your chances of making the right hiring decisions.

Recent research from the CIPD shows that personality profiling is used in just over one-third[i] of recruitment processes.  Aaron Wallis is offering you the chance, at no cost, to investigate refining your own recruitment process by introducing personality questionnaires.Sample Interview Aid Image

Personality questionnaires are designed to strip away the interview facade of potential employees and help you to build a top-performing team.  Our interview profile is a validated and powerful eight-page report that addresses essential traits in the workplace (see image for details of the traits). 

We think you’ll agree that it will provide a clear, simple and easy to follow guide that will help you conduct a structured, more insightful and professional interview.

This is a simple invitation with ‘no strings attached’.  We’d simply like you to sample the Aaron Wallis service so that we can learn more about your business and help get recruitment right for you.

To take advantage of this opportunity and to claim your complimentary interview aid simply click here and complete the short online form.  Within one working day, we will then contact you for a five-minute  consultation to set that up for you.  The resulting report will be delivered straight to your mailbox.

You may wish to take the questionnaire on yourself to see how powerful it can be or perhaps even on a forthcoming interviewee.

So put us to the test and see how Aaron Wallis can help you to ‘spot the winners’. 

We look forward to hearing from you,

P.S. If you’d like us to set up more than one personality questionnaire just let us know.  A link to a sample guide can be found here:

P.P.S. Aaron Wallis offers the most inclusive recruitment service in the UK backed by a 12 month rebate scheme – click here to find out more

[i] Personality questionnaires were used in 35% of recruitment processes in 2011 (down from 44% in 2010) CIPD, A Barometer of HR Trends and Prospects 2011

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Aaron Wallis Increases Advice Library to Over 500 Articles

We’ve always been pretty proud of the advice that we offer across which we believe to be the most comprehensive, freely available advice offered by any recruitment agency. 
We’ve just undertaken a massive overhaul of the Advice Library which now contains over 500 articles, each written by industry experts, covering every imaginable business area from sales and marketing to finance to taxation to doing business in other nations.
To access it’s simple – follow this link:

Then either drop down on the theme that you’re looking for advice upon and hit search and it will bring up every topic in the category.
Alternatively type your query in the search box and the search engine will chose the articles it feels most relevant.
We hope that you find it useful.  If so please bookmark or post to facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn using the user-friendly buttons on the page.