Friday, 29 April 2022

How to Onboard Remote Working Sales Staff

Getting new sales staff up to speed

In the digital, and in particular the post-pandemic age, remote onboarding has become of significant importance to teams worldwide. While human interaction and face-to-face meetings used to be integral when showing someone the ropes, onboarding can now be completed effectively remotely.

However, there are challenges in getting new sales staff 'up to speed' so we have put together a short 'one-pager' to help you provide new sales staff with the very best first impression possible.

The article covers:
  1. The cost of getting induction wrong
  2. The importance of getting the onboarding process right
  3. Three unique challenges associated with remote onboarding
  4. Recognising the signs of staff feeling isolated
  5. How to build a good 'team ethic' on a remote basis
  6. Common challenges and how to overcome them
The article can be read here: Remote onboarding new sales staff

Thursday, 28 April 2022

What is an Employee Value Proposition?

Supposedly, 2022 is meant to be the 'Year of the Great Resignation', and I say 'supposedly', as we are yet to see this come to fruition.  Anecdotally, all of my ex-colleagues across multiple sectors of the recruitment industry would also concur.

Nevertheless, recruiting and keeping your top talent remains the primary function of any manager. With this in mind, we have written a short article on introducing an employee value proposition into your business. 

This one-page article covers:

  1. Why your company needs an Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

  2. The critical elements of an EVP

  3. How to implement an EVP into your business

  4. Why an EVP is important

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Top Tips for Managing Remote Sales Teams

Keeping teams engaged & motivated

With data from YouGov suggesting that approximately 50% of workers are now working from home at least some of the time, ensuring you are managing hybrid or fully remote workers effectively is crucial to the success of your business. 

With this in mind, Aaron Wallis Sales Recruitment has collated some essential tips for managing a remote sales team:
The main focus is within the last section with tips on keeping your staff fully engaged with each other and your business.

These include the benefits and challenges of managing hybrid or fully remote sales teams together with the importance of CRM software.

Friday, 7 January 2022

Lessons from the Apprentice. 2022 – Episode One

For me, it's gherkins.  I don't like them, but shoved under my nose (or a burger lid), I will eat them, mildly grimace, and continue eating them anyway.  

That's how I feel about The Apprentice in 2022. I have disliked it for about five series yet watched them all. I vowed to never watch it again, yet kind of missed it last year. And, within the first 'durhh, durhh, durhh's' and LorSugar's smirk of pride with his new pandemic-themed one-liners, I knew I would be handing my Thursday nights to BBC1. 

The UK is desperate for a new business programme.  In the early years you could learn something from The Apprentice and Dragon's Den, but they are now firmly in the 'light entertainment' genre.  

While it won't get 6M+ viewers, I believe an 'Apprentice-style' programme, following teams of aspirational entrepreneurs with some seed funding over a series of weeks would work.  Over the series you could watch them create ideas, breathe life into them, generate the brand, do market research, and then pitch for investment. 

Yes, I agree it's BBC2 stuff and not so much fun.  However, mentored by credible and critical expertise that help the contestants and perhaps other viewing budding entrepreneurs, it could genuinely help people 'go their own way'.  Just a thought.

I guess the BBC needed to hit hard to get the ratings for Episode One, but I think the fan favourite, ‘The marketing task', was wasted.  The result was a symphony of noise as the clash of egos shouted over each other, while scoring points on the camera to use in the boardroom. 

Both teams were poor, as they always are in the first five episodes.  There was zero influencing, negotiation, and collaboration…. I'm convinced they're edited to be this way. 

Just a sideline; if the contestants consider themselves to be the greatest emerging business brains in the country, why didn't they begin formalising ideas in the limo on the two-hour drive down to Portsmouth?  They'd already been briefed that it was 'the marketing task'. And, it was on a cruise ship. Surely, they could have nailed the concept, name and some brand ideas before reaching the Hampshire border?

So, what did we learn:

·      “No = next opportunity”.  Absolute camembert, but I rather liked it!

·         "I've got seeds, so let's grow a tree from it".  Is this the "run something up the flagpole" for the 2020’s?  If so, I'm out.

·         Don't make a logo without relevant colours or the company name

·         Don't wear a green dress to a green screen

·         One from LorSugar, and, mildly paraphrased: "The theory of advertising/marketing is presenting something to someone so that they buy from you"

My biggest takeaway was that formal business attire was back!  Wasn't it great to see the blokes in smart suits, shirts and ties and the ladies in a single-colour business attire? 

In the last twenty-one months, I can count on two hands the people I've met both in person and online that have dressed this way.  Hurrah, is it the end of the grey sweatshirts!  However, it's also worth noting that I'm outside of the 25 to 45 demographic and didn't know the meaning of 'bouji'!

And, then there were fifteen.  Adios.

Monday, 13 September 2021

How much money would our favourite fictional characters be worth in the real world?

How much money would our favourite fictional characters be worth in the real world?

We've used extracts from books and films, alongside inputting current conversion rates and historical inflation rates to work out the richest fictional characters.

Read More:

Fictional Entrepreneurs Rich List

Monday, 19 April 2021

Aaron Wallis Sales Recruitment Edinburgh Opens


Aaron Wallis is opening a new branch in Edinburgh to serve Scotland and the North East of England.  Opening on Tuesday 6th April, the brand will be staffed by our excellent Senior Consultant, Hannah Gateley, who is returning to her hometown.

The branch is based in the Clockwork Office in Leith.

Our Senior Recruitment Consultant, Hannah, says:

Joining Aaron Wallis just over two years ago was easily the best career decision I have ever made! I’ve learned so much about a wide variety of industries, built fantastic relationships with both clients and candidates and am part of the funniest, strangest and most supportive team. I’m now so excited to be opening our first Scottish branch in my hometown of Edinburgh so that we can dedicate more of our expertise to our clients in Scotland.

Since joining Aaron Wallis in January 2019, I’m proud to say I’ve placed over 90 candidates in sales roles that vary from entry-level telesales all the way up to sales director level. I’ve successfully partnered with companies in industries ranging from software firms, engineering, hospitality, FMCG and tech (to name a few!). Bringing our unique sales recruitment service to Scotland certainly feels like a logical next step, and in two short weeks, I’ll be opening the doors to our newest office.

Based at the bottom of Leith Walk and right next to the shore, Aaron Wallis Sales and Marketing Recruitment Edinburgh is situated in the stylish, laid back and modern Clockwise offices. This trendy spot is surrounded by fantastic coffee shops, great bars, and brilliant spots to grab some lunch. With Mimi’s Bakery just around the corner, I expect I will become quickly become a regular...thankfully, there is a gym nearby too!

While the coffee and cake are definitely a selling point, the best part of our Leith office is really the ability it gives me to meet with my clients. I take pride in understanding my client’s business, team, and long-term goals to find them their perfect candidate. We have access to large meeting rooms where I’ll be able host these initial meetings, and our location means we are central and easy to find. For clients based elsewhere in Scotland, I am always happy to arrange a meeting at their premises or via Teams or Zoom (we’re all getting quite good at virtual meetings these days!).

From this great location, I’ll also be able to support clients who need a little extra help with interviewing. Our meeting rooms can be booked for a whole day’s worth of interviews, and I’m always happy to sit in, offer advice and take the reigns wherever needed! I’ll also treat the first client to book on-premise interviews to a delicious lunch from one of the great spots nearby.

My goal is really to make Aaron Wallis the number one Scottish sales recruitment agency! I can’t wait to get started and bring our unique and outstanding service back home.

To find out more about me, click here -

To view my Linkedin Profile click here -

For any enquiries give me a call here - 0131 202 4698

Monday, 30 March 2020

Will Developed Nations Have an “Attitude Reset” Following Covid-19?

Criticism is easy…..

As a citizen of one of the richest countries on Earth, I consider myself extremely fortunate.
However, I am far from the first to consider that over the last decade or two, we have increasingly implemented our own, voluntary “social distancing”, through the myriad forms of social media we adopt.

There are many positive societal effects that these platforms deliver.  Crowd Funding and the recent minutes applause for the efforts of the NHS are unprecedented, positive outcomes that would have been impossible to choreograph in previous generations.

Currently, social platforms are playing a vital role in ensuring that everyone can maintain critical links with friends, colleagues and loved ones.  Speaking as someone who has seen no-one in person, including my kids, for ten days, I can attest to the value of that!

At the same time, it is hard to deny that they also create less desirable by-products….. The obvious, such as cyberbullying and trolling, online hate crimes and the proliferation of extremist ideologies of all types.  As well as less obvious, but equally pervasive issues, such as inculcating the necessity for instant gratification, or the requirement for constant attention, approval and feedback regarding the minutiae of daily life.  There is also the apparent increase in social anxiety and in some the sense of relative deprivation, due to the onslaught of information regarding everyone else’s apparently perfect existences…..

Online consumerism has irrevocably affected traditional retail and the human interaction it generates, as well as the economic and personal hardships that have accompanied the decline of that sector.

My social skills have certainly suffered as my default mode of interaction has become virtual….. undoubtedly I spend more time alone in willing and voluntary isolation than was never my intention, but it is the outcome nonetheless.

It has been alarming (and also liberating) to witness how quickly all the things we consider immutable and vital to our existence have dropped away in the space of a few short weeks…. Yet the Sun is still shining, the bees are buzzing and as artificial constructs are hibernating, the natural world is springing back to life.

In light of this and the devastation the current situation is wreaking upon so many, let’s hope that when this passes the entitled will feel a little less so and we can all reset our compasses in line with what really matters….. as opposed to what truly doesn’t.

Friday, 27 March 2020

How to keep your mind focused during self-isolation

If someone had told me they were self-isolating two months ago, I would have thought it was an excuse for an extended holiday!  However, today it's more common than hearing 'I'm making a cup of tea'.
It's only been a couple of weeks for my colleagues and me, but I already feel like I'm going stir crazy and miss the routine (and office banter) that we use to take for granted.
So, how can we cope better with this temporary new way of life and remain positive, with a healthy body and mind?

Structure and new routines
If you're like me, then structure and routine keep us fighting fit and mentally sharp.  So, I have continued to keep the structure in my day.  For example, I get up at the same time every day, start and finish work at the same time every day.  I shower, eat lunch, exercise, take breaks, check-in with colleagues, ring my mother and other family members at pretty much the same time every day.
I, like most, can be very distracted whilst working from home, so if I stick to a structure, I'm less likely to be eating chocolate whilst watching Netflix sprawled out on the sofa.  We can enjoy such activities of an evening and at weekends - roll on Saturday!
I've only been practising my new routine for a couple of weeks, but already it feels 'normal'.

Stay Active - keep moving - get some spring sunshine
Currently, we're being told we can spend an hour outside exercising.  For me, this is probably the most important hour of my day.  It really doesn't matter if that hour is spent walking, running, cycling but always try and make that activity outside.  Come rain, sun, hail or snow get out and get some fresh air.  For me, this is just as important for the mind as it is the body.  If for whatever reason you can't make it outside, then choose a workout at home/office.  I've reorganised the office using some light weights, chairs and desks to create a mini exercise circuit. 
There are also plenty of free exercise advice videos on YouTube.

Family, Family, Family and the dog
What a great time to spend more time together as a family.  The one benefiting the most from this period of self-isolation is the dog.  She's never had so much attention from everyone at the same time! In fact, the family has never spent so much time together!  Cooking together, eating together, games together, tv together, exercise together, family debates………………  If you're anything like me, then you'll need some time self-isolating from the family!!

Actually, we all need some space
As I'm writing this at the kitchen table, my wife's also in the kitchen on the phone to the bank, my son's asking "what's for breakfast?" whilst watching the tv too loud, and Flossie (our 17 week old puppy) is craving even more attention.  My daughter has the right idea and is locked away upstairs working at her laptop.
With everyone at home it's vitally important we find some space.  Too many people (over a prolonged period) in the same vicinity can often cause tension.  People have different needs for solitude and communication around this is the key to a happy home! 
Take breaks from each other, move to different areas around the house, be understanding, walk around the garden, pull up some weeds, do whatever's required to grab some precious time alone! 

Morning meditation
For many, finding time to meditate can be difficult.  Why not use this period of self-isolation to find time? Build it into the structure of your day - get up 10 minutes earlier, it's a great way to start your day.  I use Headspace and would recommend it to anyone new to meditation.

Turn the flaming news channel off!
When this all started, I found myself obsessed with every news article.  All people talked about was what they'd read or listened to.  Then everyone starts speculating, catastrophising and before you know it, it takes over your whole life.  Of course, it's essential to keep up to date with the latest news, but surely Boris @5 and the News at 10 is enough!!

Positive thoughts bring positive outcomes
Naturally, we're all experiencing difficult and worrying times. Still, we must remain positive.  Negative thinking WILL NOT help the predicament we're in.  As a family, we're using this time to reset, to understand what's really important and bring us all closer together.  If we work at remaining optimistic and positive, it will become 'the norm' in all that we do and keep the body and mind healthy. 
We're all self-wired - sometimes good, sometimes not so good - let's use this time to rewire those positive connections.  From my experience, we'll all start to notice the simple, positive things that used to pass us by.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Five tip-top tips to keep you in tip-top shape while working from home

Keeping healthy working from home
For high productivity levels, it’s essential to stay mentally and physically healthy while working from home. To ensure you are, read our 5 top tips!

1. Make sure you have fresh air and exercise

It can be challenging to make sure you get the exercise that your body needs when you have a comfy sofa together with a lack of desire to get out for a run, walk or bike ride! Whether it be a lunchtime walk with the dog or a morning run, it’s essential to have these activities in the day to help stimulate the mind, keep your fitness levels up and get plenty of Vitamin D.

2. Prepare meals when you can

This is a great way to ensure you’re eating fresh and healthy food, planning variation to your diet, and saving yourself time. Always a good idea on a Sunday evening to get your meals organised for the week ahead, this will also prevent you from finding a ‘quick fix’ from the cupboards…

3. Drink lots of water

Sounds simple but very important! Staying hydrated will prevent headaches, tiredness and slow brain function, giving you the energy, you need to keep fit and healthy.

4. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep

Getting enough sleep at night is essential to allow your body to work on maintaining your physical health and brain function. Having a positive impact on your concentration and productivity.

5. Stick to a routine

It is imperative to have a plan when working from home as it will help with all the above! It will keep you motivated and remind you of everything you need to do to stay healthy in the day. Make sure you have a routine with meals, exercise and work. A routine will help you develop the healthy habits you need to stay in tip-top shape!

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

How to Become a Billionaire - updated for 2019

Billionaires’ First Steps: The Richest People’s First Jobs & Education

The Richest People’s First Jobs & Education General Trends

80 of the world’s richest 100 people have earned a degree. Exactly a quarter of these graduated with a degree in engineering.

54% of the world’s richest started working in a non-family owned business.

14% of the World’s top 100 billionaires started their careers by setting up their own business.

2019 Trends

Are billionaires getting younger? In 2017, Mark Zuckerberg was the only individual in the wealthiest 100 under the age of 40. In 2019, there are now five top 100 billionaires below 40, with a trend of software entrepreneurs joining the list.

The wealth of China is becoming more prominent in the billionaire list. Over the last 2 years, China has moved from having the 4th most individuals in the wealthiest 100, up to 2nd, only behind the United States.

What type of person is more likely to become a billionaire? New research from Aaron Wallis Sales Recruitment examines the wealthiest 100 people’s career backgrounds.

The research suggests that engineering graduates are most likely to become billionaires, and if you want to become one of the world’s richest you should start your career as a software developer or in a stock trader role. Furthermore, you are far more likely to make the top 100 list if you are a graduate as 80% of the top 100 has earned a degree.

The research into first career steps looks at the billionaires who started working in an organisation that was not their own, or family-owned. These billionaires were then grouped into the type of their first job, which gave the following job roles as the top 5 results:

Starting Job Role
Count of Job Category
(Total = 54)
Stock trader
Software Developer

The study also looks at the top degree subject by type, which gave the following degree categories as the top 5 results:

Degree Type
Count of Degree Studied
(Total = 80)
Finance & Economics

For the full results of the study, please visit:

Rob Scott, Managing Director at Aaron Wallis Sales Recruitment said: “In 2019 we are seeing a shift in old-money wealth from minerals and resources to a new generation of billionaires from software entrepreneurship. It’s unsurprising that highly educated and technically experienced entrepreneurs are making their way to the top, with a degree being a great basis for the start of your career.”

Thursday, 29 August 2019

What Does Smart-Casual Really Mean?

The most common dress code in today’s climate seems to be ‘smart-casual’. When what you wear has a big impact on your confidence and productivity, it’s clearly important to get it right! How well do you understand what smart-casual means? Today we’re undressing it!

Smart Casual for Men
Smart casual menswear gives men a lot of freedom to use different colours and fabrics all year round to match the weather! Here are some options: 

When it comes to smart casual for men, you can’t go wrong with a smart shirt and chinos. Chinos are a great fabric for comfort and breathability but are tailored enough to ensure a smart and professional first impression. Dress this outfit up with watches and simple jewellery. Boat shoes are a good match for this look.

This look definitely sits at the more casual end of the spectrum. Tee shirt or polo shirt fabric paired with tailored or skinny jeans in formal colours such as black, navy and grey are also safe casual wear options. As long as you avoid ripped jeans, blue jeans and bright coloured tops, this is a smart and respectable look!

Sticking with jeans, this smart casual look includes layering and accessories, and whilst it takes liberties in some areas such as the sports trainers, it dresses up in other ways with the blazer jacket. This complicated smart casual attire can be broken down into tailored jeans and a colourful suit jacket to match the trainers over a simple white tee shirt. Practical, colourful, but definitely smart casual! 

This look is for the office fashionistas! Pair a shirt and monotone jumpers work with tailored jeans or chinos and accessorise to show a little personality. Check your company policy on hats and jewellery but definitely prioritise a smart watch and either a bold tie or bow tie. 

Smart Casual for Women

These looks look fantastic and professional but are simple enough to achieve! We’re going to break down some smart casual looks for women.

This bold look is both fashionable and formal and has perfectly achieved the smart casual balance.

It might look catwalk complicated but it’s super simple – tailored textured trousers, a soft white shirt and a statement jacket!

This look provides comfort but professional approachability and is great for layering warm clothes in the colder seasons.

For a more casual outfit, try wearing jeans, a monochrome tee shirt and a cardigan. Much like the men’s casual outfit choice, this look depends on monochrome colouring but super simple fashion pieces. Dress this look up with accessories such as necklaces, bracelets and watches and you’ll have achieved the right balance!

If you’re looking to achieve a look that means business, whether you’re a manager or out in the world networking, we recommend going for a smart casual look that is business on top and casual on the bottom.

This look uses a button up shirt, a smart tailored blazer jacket, jewellery, black jeans and Chelsea boots to achieve the perfect managerial outfit that’s as stylish as it is serious!
When it comes to dressing smart casual for women, we recommend you acknowledge the two key elements, of which you always have to achieve one – formal pattern and colour and/or traditional silhouette.

Today’s fashion is testing the limits by using formal print in casual cuts and casual prints in formal cuts. This plaid monochrome jumpsuit definitely adds some personality to the office!

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

How to conduct an effective video interview – a short guide for employers

Video interviews - a guide for employers

Employers are, quite rightly, increasing their use of Video Interviewing as the technology usually is free, and most people these days have a reasonable data connection at home. It can save time, money, unnecessary travel, and, when conducted effectively, can form an essential part of your recruitment process.

However, we hear from both employers and candidates the trouble that they’ve had in having a smooth communication. Typically both employers and candidates do not plan video interviews as well as face-to-face meetings, and consequently, time is wasted trying to get the process going. In this quick guide, we provide employers with quick tips to ensure that their video interviews are as professional as possible. 

This includes:
  • The benefits of video interviewing
  • In which situation should you use a video interview?
  • Critical steps to conducting an effective video interview
  • Common pitfalls and things to consider
Click here to access the free guide to conducting video interviews for employers.

Video interview tips for candidates to ensure that they perform their best at a Skype or video interview can be accessed here:

Monday, 12 August 2019

A Quick Guide to Aptitude Testing

A five-minute guide for employers on Aptitude Testing and how for a relatively small outlay they can significantly help improve your hiring success rates.  

What are Aptitude Tests

The guide includes:

  • What is aptitude testing?
  • The benefits of aptitude testing candidates
  • Types of aptitude tests
  • How to help put candidates at ease
  • How aptitude tests are evaluated
  • The Golden rule of Aptitude Testing

For more information and to read the free guide visit: What are aptitude tests

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Ethical Practice When Interviewing

A quick and easy to read guide on how to ensure that your interview process is ethical and straightforward tips on how to mitigate against 'unconscious bias'. 

The guide contains four tips, used in all public sector recruitment processes, to ensure that you implement an ethical recruitment process.

The guide can be downloaded here:

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Managing Employees Through Their Notice Periods

Notice periods are a two-way street. On the one hand, they protect the business, giving it time to replace a departing member of staff.

On the other, it allows the employee a time and/or financial buffer if the company wants to part ways with them.

In this article, we’ll examine notice periods and how you as an employer should use them when a member of the team resigns.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

How to WOW in a competency based interview using the STAR method

Competency-based interviews have been around for a while now and are reasonably commonplace with companies that have a planned recruitment process.

However, every time that we mention to a candidate that their meeting will be competency-based, you can almost hear an audible 'shiver' descending through their spine. 

This has always been a decent page on our site, but I re-read it recently and felt that it needed sprucing up.

So, we've reviewed the page and expanded upon the commonly used STAR method to help candidates prepare for the type of questions that they will be asked.  Hope that it's useful!

How to WOW in a competency-based interview using the STAR method

Monday, 10 September 2018

Logic-Based Interview Questions For Employers

Brain teasers to source the brightest candidates

Logic-based interview puzzles are becoming increasingly popular in recruitment processes to help employers find the brightest candidates and gain insight into a candidate’s thought process.

Brain teasers are particularly popular in the tech sector, where employers want to find the most logical candidates who can help them advance with their next innovative product launch.

Famously, Google is very keen on logic puzzle interview questions, even ceasing to ask some of their more difficult questions as “they were too tricky”. More recently, tech giants like Airbnb and Facebook have adopted logic puzzle questions to find the right software developers to keep them ahead of the competition.

Integrating logic based interview questions into a recruitment process can be a great opportunity to see how a candidate thinks on their feet. It isn’t necessarily about getting the answer right but more of a measure to see how they apply logic and question the information provided. 

Too often interviews rely on evaluating the achievements of a person’s past, which is important, but logic-based questions can be a great indicator of how the candidate deals with the problems that are placed in front of them.

With this in mind, Aaron Wallis Sales Recruitment has collated a series of 3 great logic puzzle questions for employers to work into their recruitment processes. For more information click on this link:

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

How To Resign & Resignation Letter Template

I was asked earlier for some tips on how to resign and what a resignation letter should contain.  We did already have an article on our site but I decided to expand upon this and include a sample template.

The article can be found here: